The Five Why’s — Seriously???

Ethel St. Anne Carvalho
2 min readMar 30, 2020

Yes people, seriously, its about time we honestly question ourselves over our desperate want for living that materialistic wealth we ‘think’ we call a life. It’s about that time we give ‘everything we have and own’ a ‘profound thought’ as to whether we really ‘need’ or ‘want’ it.Pick up anything you own in your hands, and ask yourself quietly — what do I want this for? Why do I want this? How is it useful to me?? Let it be as meaningless as possible to you. The least you’d do at that point in time is to chuck it away or save it for a rainy day — a ‘move’ you make for that moment.

As you live along each and every day or every-time you see something that will catch your attention, whether big or small, window shopping or groceries, ask yourself whether, what you want or need, is a must-have, will-have or I-can-do-without-it, sort of thing.

Answer your thoughts with another question. Ask yourself again the same question? Why do I want this? Because…. Go on in the same manner five times over. The results will be pretty enlightening to you senses. You begin to recognize eventually all that is unnecessary with you and within your rationale.

The quieter and deeper you are in your thoughts, the more you realize that there is so much of unnecessary hype over so much of absolutely ‘nothing’. You realize that every little thing that you have is or was more of a ‘want’ than a ‘need’. And there again…why do you want it?? Roll again with the five ‘why’s’ principle…you’ll seriously be amazed at your capacity to actually ‘manage’ all redundant stuff you have.

The more you question your actions and thoughts over all your materialistic and worldly possession in life, the calmer and more ‘present’ you are to understand your very definition of life you live. And, how ‘worthless’ every expensive item you ever ‘owned’, really is. You begin to figure out in your own simple way, promptly and calmly what holds more value to you and what doesn’t. Nothing looks and / or feels the same after that. And before you know it, you’ve given yourself a whole new level of perceptual experience, you hadn’t observed before.

And ultimately, there is no better wealth than your humanistic health. No amount of materialistic wealth can give you your health back once its lost. As chaotic as life currently is, live it in comfort and with full knowledge and deep apprehension that everything and everyone will come to an ‘end’.

So finally, ask yourself….do I want it or do I need it???



Ethel St. Anne Carvalho

I find rustic living by the beach completely irresistible, and I'm very much a country girl at heart!!